
First Time Visitor Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the main entrance to the sanctuary?
The main entrance is on Pilaklakaha Avenue. There are steps and a ramp for those who are unable to negotiate the steps.

                                       What time is your worship service and how long is it?                                               

Our worship service begins at 10:55 am and a typical service lasts about one hour

I haven’t been to church in a long time, perhaps never. . .will I be able to attend?
Yes! We are all on a faith journey. This is a lifetime journey. Some of us have included God in our lives for decades and some of us have just begun to seek a relationship with God or to learn about a relationship with God. No matter where you are in your journey, God welcomes all people to church. For members, we ask that when you are in town and healthy that you attend worship.

Am I going to be dressed right?
You will find people dressed in everything from shorts or jeans to suits/dresses; wear what makes you comfortable.

Am I going to sing or applaud?
We do not applaud during worship but we do sing. An usher will give you an Order of Worship (bulletin) when you enter and you will find everything (hymn numbers, congregational responses, unison prayers, indicators of when to stand, etc.) clearly marked in the bulletin.

                    Will everyone know I am a visitor? Will I stick out?       

No, but we are a very welcoming congregation, so don’t be surprised if people introduce themselves to you and make you feel welcome.

Why type of music is offered during the service?
Most hymns with congregational singing are played on either an organ or a piano with a variety of musical selections. We also have a chancel choir to which you are invited to join if you have a gift of music. Our musical style could be categorized as traditional, as opposed to praise-band led worship.

                                       Does your church serve communion every Sunday? 

Communion is offered on the first Sunday of every month. Communion is served to the congregation in the pews by the leaders of the church. All who are truly sorry for their sins, who sincerely believe in the Lord Jesus as their Savior, and who desire to live in obedience to him as Lord, are invited to come with gladness to the table of the lord.

Do I have to give an offering?
God gives us many ways to participate in the life of the church including offering a portion of our earnings. We do have a time of offering during our service when the ushers will collect envelopes and/or cash. As people of God we are encouraged to give of our time, talents and treasure. Yet those who are first-time visitors need not feel that they must participate; you are our guests!

Is there a Fellowship Time?
Following our worship service we have “Coffee and Fellowship” in Fellowship Hall, located downstairs in our sanctuary building. This is a time for the congregation to meet and greet one another while enjoying coffee and a small snack. It is optional to attend, but it is a nice way to meet people.